About the project
The proposed Kariboe Wind Farm midway between Biloela and Monto in central Queensland will have an installed capacity of up to 1000MW, able to generate enough clean green renewable energy to power 500,000 homes.
A battery facility on site will allow for the capture and storage of dispatchable energy.
The power generated either direct from the turbines or released from battery storage will feed into the electricity grid via the onsite Powerlink 275kV transmission line.
The project includes up to 170 wind turbines, with a maximum blade-tip height of 300m above the ground.
- Diversifying the local economy
- Community benefit sharing
- 400 jobs during construction, 40 jobs during operation
- Business opportunities for local suppliers
- Economic multiplier effect for local economy
- Significant investment in local infrastructure
- Renewable energy to power 500,000 homes
Project location
The proposed wind farm site is 40km southeast of Biloela and 40km northwest of Monto on grazing land that lies within the North Burnett and Banana Shire council areas.
It is inside the Queensland Government's Central Queensland Renewable Energy Zone.

Project development
The project is in the very early stages of development and plans include:
- Internal access roads and upgrades to existing access roads, and access points from public roads
- Hardstand and laydown area used for wind turbine installation and storage of wind turbine components
- Power infrastructure providing connection to the onsite Powerlink transmission line
- Temporary and permanent meteorological monitoring masts
- Operations and maintenance building
- Temporary infrastructure including construction compound and site office buildings, storage areas and concrete batching plants
Community engagement
We will be engaging with the community during phases of development, providing information sessions and opportunities for community feedback.
Feedback and expressions of interest can always be made at kariboe-windfarm(at)baywa-re.com or by phoning (07) 3737 1980.
We successfully hosted our first in-person community information session on 14 November, 2022, at Dawes Hall.
More than 50 neighbours and community members attended and were able to discuss concerns, meet the project team and register their contact details for further updates.
Anyone can register for project updates at any time by contacting the Kariboe team via email at kariboe-windfarm(at)baywa-re.com or by phoning (07) 3737 1980.
More community information sessions will be held next year.
BayWa r.e. Projects Australia is also taking registrations of interest from local suppliers through the kariboe-windfarm(at)baywa-re.com email address.
We are grateful to the Dawes Hall Committee for a beautiful BBQ spread and for allowing us to host our event at their venue.